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Why A Statement on

Diversity & Inclusivity?

That was a question in our minds, when a group championing the cause asked if we had any D&I policy for our events.

Thankfully, we got the opportunity to speak to members of this group--and realise that initiatives like D&I policy play a vital role in motivating and inviting diverse individuals. These statements provide that valuable hint--that we are truly open to diversity, and we are willing to walk the extra step to welcome you to participate in our event--as a visitor, a delegate, a speaker or even an exhibitor.

Why Should We Be Diverse & Inclusive?
Our take--because to value God's creation--we have to truly value the diversity of her/his creation.

Nature teaches us--that the more diverse we are--the more beautiful we are.

Plus, technology is a great provider of a level playing field. And, if we are in the business of "tech" events--we must enable diversity to power technology.

What's our Diversity & Inclusivity Policy?
It's simple--we welcome and value diversity.

Be it any gender, sexual preference, religion, cast, creed, region, nationality, handicap or special abilities--we welcome you all, equally.

Given everything else being equal, we will "prefer" a more diverse candidate--be it a speaker, a workshop Guru or a delegate getting a Free workshop voucher.

Plus, we will do our best to ensure that the layout and facilities at our event are comfortable and accessible for specially-abled peers.

Last but not the least, if our 'Diverse' peers are comfortable with it, we would be happy highlighting their diversity to motivate and attract similar diverse peers to overcome their inhibitions and challenges, and bless us with their participation.